Upcoming Events

Service Times
> Sunday Morning Bible Study Groups 9:30 a.m.
> Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
> Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
- Fall and Spring Semester Adult Bible Study
- Youth Group
- Kingdom Kids (Children’s Choir)
- Journey Kids (Missions)
Follow our Youth Group on
Instagram @msideyouth !

In Person
You are always welcome to bring your offering in and place it in the offering plate as it is passed in the Sunday morning service.
We do our best to provide a worship experience that meets the need of every person who attends, but more importantly, honors God. We don’t put a specific “label” on our worship style (music style), because the Bible doesn’t put a “label” on worship style. In our worship experience, you will hear modern worship songs and traditional hymns. You will hear an organ, a drum set, a piano, an electric guitar, and much more. But more important than what instruments are played, you will hear, see, and be a part of Jesus Christ being worshiped.
If you are wondering what you should wear to church, feel free to come as you are. Some wear business casual, some are more relaxed and wear jeans. We are more concerned with you worshiping Jesus than with the style of your clothing.
When you join us in a worship experience we know you will sense that we worship Jesus and only Jesus. Not just in our music, but in the sermons as well. Our sermons are taken straight from Scripture. Pastors lead us, verse by verse, through the Bible and teaches us how these verses apply to our lives. We know every week you will take something away from the sermon that will guide you throughout the week.

Our mission is to help people experience Christ rather than man's creation of religion, so they can grow strong in Christ and take Christ experience to the world. Reaching people for Christ, grow them strong in Christ so they can go and make a difference for Christ in the world.
We SEEK a personal,
life-changing relationship
with God through prayer, engaging
worship, and Bible study
We SERVE others by modeling the
love of Christ through missions
and ministry involvement.
We SHARE God's grace
through genuine, loving fellowship
and discipleship.